Our Story

George's version of our Story:

Trisha and I first met at work in 2015. We were co-workers first and then friends. Then at a work happy hour, Trisha had a few too many spicy chicken tikkas and I was tasked with walking them home. Armed with some liquid courage, I expressed my feelings towards her and we went on our first official date the following week. Thank goodness for those spicy chicken tikkas!

Trisha is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met and makes me laugh every day. She makes everything exciting and magical around. I can’t wait until we’re officially married!

Trisha's version of our Story:

I would argue that George was the one to make the first move. He had been sending me flirty texts for the previous few weeks, so I knew there was something there. And I only had one spicy chicken tikka—George was the one to offer to walk me home. Either way, I’m so thankful for that work happy hour and whatever gave me the courage to share how I felt that night.

Alex is so smart, so organized, and so committed to his friends, family, and loved ones. He makes me want to be the best version of myself, whether it’s at the gym, cooking, or even just finding the best new show on Netflix. I’m so lucky to have finally found my person.

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